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Branded Job Posting - 30 days $695

Post a Branded Job on any Careers In Group job board today and start receiving applications directly to your inbox or careers site.

  • Includes a free Corporate Profile Page (worth £150) and a listing in our Recruiter Directory
  • Refreshed weekly to the top of job search results
  • Sent out on daily job alerts to jobseekers
  • Promoted across our Social Media channels

Get started by clicking the button below, or contact us with any questions you may have.

View a full list of the job types advertised on our job boards here.

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Click the links below to find more information on the branding, candidate sourcing, and talent attraction options available to suit your specific needs: 

Information for Direct Employers / Media Buyers

Information for Recruitment Consultancies  

Chat with the Careers In Group team in your area or email us to discuss your requirements in more detail, or if you're ready to post a job right now, click the button below to get started.  

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Hire Guarantee

We guarantee to advertise your job until you successfully hire!*

Audit Jobs Hire Guarantee [square]Post a 'Homepage Featured Job' or 'Job of the Week' on any Careers In Group site, and if you do not successfully hire in the first month, we will continue to advertise your job until you do.*

As the world's leading job board group for Audit, Risk, Compliance, Cyber Security, Data, Analytics and ESG & Sustainability professionals, we were the first to offer a 'Hire Guarantee'. 

We provide the most effective means to get your jobs in front of the world's largest audience of professional Audit and Governance jobseekers anywhere online.

Ready to post your job? Call +44(0)20 7553 6350 or email us today.

View the 'Hire Guarantee' T&Cs


Talent Attraction Packages to Suit Every Budget

As the world's leading job board group for Audit, Risk, Compliance, Data, Analytics, ESG and Cyber Security recruitment, we provide the most effective means to get your jobs in front of the largest audience of Audit and Governance jobseekers anywhere online.

Some of our standard job posting options include:

You can also add full access to our exclusive CV Database from as little as £445 per month.

Want more information or to create your own bespoke package? Please see our service guide & information packs above or contact us today.


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Careers In Group Client Case Studies

Looking for examples of how roles in your industry have performed on our job boards? See our case studies below:

Accountancy & Public Practice Case Study

Government & Public Sector Case Study 

Investment Banking Case Study

Retail Banking Case Study

Audit Offices Case Study 

Insurance Case Study (coming soon)

Retail & FMCG Case Study (coming soon)

Want to know more or see some different examples? Get in touch to discuss your requirements in more detail on +44(0)20 7553 6350 or email us today.


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